Counteracting the Information Component of Hybrid Warfare




information space, cyber threats, hybrid war, countermeasures, information component of hybrid war


The article analyzes the problem of information security of Ukraine and the impact of hybrid war on the national security of the state as a whole and the information space directly. The differences between hybrid war and conventional war are considered and characteristic features of hybrid war are highlighted. The levels of war at which it is possible to observe a hybrid war are outlined. The reasons that create a favorable environment for the development of hybrid wars are analyzed. The existing and potentially possible phenomena and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of man and citizen, society and the state in the information sphere are considered. On the basis of positive international experience, countermeasures against the informational component of hybrid warfare are proposed.



How to Cite

Dyrdin, M., & Yatsyk, T. (2023). Counteracting the Information Component of Hybrid Warfare. Irpin Legal Chronicles, (1(10), 203–209.