Disinformation as a means of warning information war russian federation against Ukraine





misinformation, Russian Federation, Ukraine, information confrontation, information war, special information operation


The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of misinformation by the Russian Federation to the detriment of the interests of Ukraine for information confrontation. Definitions are closely related to misinformation, namely: "information confrontation", "information war", "special information operation", "information influence" and others. The definition of the concept of "misinformation" is made and its types are revealed. In particular, misinformation is false information that does not correspond to reality. It is noted that misinformation can be carried out with the help of misinformation, as well as with the use of truthful information ("white misinformation", which has two forms: biased presentation of facts and misinformation "from the opposite"). It is shown that misinformation can be carried out without the use of misinformation, namely during the "white misinformation". Methods of special information operations are revealed: tendentious presentation of facts, misinformation "from the opposite", terminological "mining", "gray" misinformation, "black" misinformation. Examples of the use of all five forms of disinformation by the Russian Federation against Ukraine are given. It is concluded that disinformation is actively used in the information war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, but Russia's disinformation on the territory of Ukraine proved to be ineffective, which in some way affected the defeats on the military front. It was also noted that such a phenomenon as "misinformation" should be thoroughly studied to: plan measures to identify, prevent and stop the negative impact of misinformation; preparation and implementation of measures to misinform to the detriment of the interests of the enemy. Prospects for further research in the field of information aggression are outlined, in particular, it is planned to consider and systematize other manifestations of information aggression of the Russian Federation using misinformation, propaganda, psychological pressure, diversification of public opinion, spreading rumors.



How to Cite

Novytska, N., Petryk, V., & Kudyko, V. (2023). Disinformation as a means of warning information war russian federation against Ukraine. Irpin Legal Chronicles, (1(8), 118–130. https://doi.org/10.33244/2617-4154-1(8)-2022-118-130