


criminal offense, criminal liability, punishment, domestic violence, person, protection, criminogenic economic factors, family conflict


This article examines the issues of individual criminogenic factors of violence against a person. It is noted that the restoration of psychological stability in some cases requires the correction of some formed views, bringing them into mutual agreement, changes in the general orientation of the individual. It is indicated that these changes can take place both in a positive and in a negative direction, from the point of view of others. At the group level, criminogenic factors of violence against a person arise when, being expressed externally, contradictions between individual family members collide, which leads to a violation of the stability of the system of relations within the family. It is noted that at the general social level, group contradictions between a specific husband and wife, father and son, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are reflected in contradictions between larger groups of husbands and wives, fathers and sons, which subsequently leads to violence against the person.

The article also draws attention to the fact that the modern period of existing family contradictions intensified in connection with the involvement of women not only in social production, but also in war. The process of the so-called women's emancipation disturbed the balance within the large system of the social institution of the family. Now it is impossible not to see "family conflict" at the general social level. It is observed in the form of a clash of larger social groups of men, wives, parents, and children.As it is presented, the general social family conflict is dangerous with no less harmful consequences than the aggravation of national or economic contradictions, which inevitably generates violence against a person.

It is concluded that today, the war has exposed the negative social processes of demographic and economic direction, which accompany the stagnation of the reforms carried out in wartime Ukraine, first of all, they have significantly weakened the importance of the family as a social institution. Instead, it is the family that can and should reliably and consistently resist violence against a person, take care of children's health, ensuring their mental and moral and ethical development in society, and not generate violence.



How to Cite

Didkovska, G. V., & Shevchenko, D. A. (2024). SEPARATE CRIMINOGENIC ECONOMIC FACTORS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST A PERSON . Irpin Legal Chronicles, (2(15), 224–232.