


war in Ukraine, refugees, EU law, Ukrainians, directive, international law, refugee, refugee status, Temporary Protection Directive


Since February 24, 2022, when Russia launched its brutal military invasion of Ukraine, the European Union has taken decisive and coordinated action to help the Ukrainian people. The EUʼs assistance includes direct humanitarian aid, emergency civil protection assistance, border support: assistance in accommodating and registering refugees, as well as providing them with information and other necessary services, and protection: for those fleeing the war, including granting them refugee status or temporary protection in the EU. The current situation with refugees in the world is one of the most pressing and acute problems of our time, especially in the context of the war in Ukraine. Millions of people are forced to leave their homes because of the conflict. This article examines the concept of "refugee" from the perspective of international law, in particular, the law of the European Union. The author examines the characteristics and categories of refugees, and analyzes the current situation with refugees in the EU, providing statistical data. The author also describes the legal acts regulating the rights and obligations of refugees, as well as the options for legalizing their stay in the EU. The article clearly outlines the list of rights that refugees receive upon obtaining the relevant status and analyzes in detail the Temporary Protection Directive The activation of the Temporary Protection Directive demonstrates the European Unionʼs deep understanding and readiness to provide assistance and support to refugees from Ukraine. Under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is recognized as a person who has been persecuted and is outside his or her country for well-founded fear. The study examines key aspects of the status, protection and integration of refugees into society from the perspective of international and European law. Different categories of refugees are identified, including women and children, people who crossed the border before the war, the elderly, and other Ukrainian citizens who have the right to leave.



How to Cite

Byniuk, N. M., & Tkachuk, V. V. (2024). LEGAL BASIS FOR ACCEPTING REFUGEES BY THE EU COUNTRIES. Irpin Legal Chronicles, (2(15), 284–291.