


prosecutor, state indictment, indictment, court, trial


The article examines the psychological features of the prosecutor's activity in court. It is noted that the prosecutor is not above the court; its role is to support the effective operation of the court. The main task of the prosecutor during the indictment speech during the court session is a qualified analysis of the evidence. He must convince other participants in the legal process of the reliability and objectivity of this evidence.

It is emphasized that during the qualification of a criminal offense, the prosecutor must reveal the content of the relevant article of the Criminal Code, justify the application of this article, and also highlight the objective and subjective aspects of the relevant composition of the criminal offense. When determining the punishment, the prosecutor must take into account the personal characteristics of the accused, such as value orientations, motivational sphere, behavior style, main character traits and other aspects.

It has been proven that only an objective analysis of the positive and negative qualities of the accused's personality, conducted by the public prosecutor, can contribute to a fair verdict. This becomes especially relevant when considering criminal proceedings involving minors. In such cases, the analysis of the formation of the personality of a juvenile criminal can reveal factors that significantly influence his criminal behavior (for example, the influence of parental drunkenness, insufficient control of behavior at school, negative influence from the outside, etc.). Social and psychological analysis of a teenager's personality and his environment, an objective assessment of the impact of this environment on his psyche and behavior are important aspects of the public prosecutor's work.

It was concluded that speaking in court in criminal proceedings, the prosecutor represents the state, demanding from himself exceptional attentiveness to the analysis of evidence, impeccable conclusions and a high level of language skills. Various aspects of the prosecutor's activity in the form of justification in the indictment interact as a complex, solving their tasks. The cohesive professional structure of the prosecutor's personality is decisive for achieving a high level of competence, skills and abilities in his professional activity as a public prosecutor.



How to Cite

Shovkoplias O. Р. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE PROSECUTOR’S ACTIVITIES IN COURT. Irpin Legal Chronicles, (1(14), 182–189.