Peculiarities of investigative (search) tactics in treason proceedings
treason, investigative (search) actions, tactics, investigation, search, interrogationAbstract
In the article actuality of problems of realization of inquisitional (of criminal investigation) actions is grounded in realization about high treason. The state of scientific researches is shortly analysed in this industry. Attention is accented on importance of choice of tactics during pre-trial investigation of high treason.
The aim of the article is determination of features of tactics of realization of inquisitional (of criminal investigation) actions in realization about high treason.
Taking into account the begun scale aggression of Russia against Ukraine the special value is acquired by investigation of businesses about high treason. From data of "Ruh Honestly", got from from State judicial administration, in 2022 1957 realizations are registered after the article about high treason, in 10 realizations it is convict for high treason. It is 3ід amounts of all realizations, that was examined in courts after the article 111 of the Criminal code (High treason). Judges closed 17 realizations [1].
It testifies to unefficiency of pre-trial investigation in realization about high treason, and that is why predetermines actuality of research theme and necessity of analysis.
It was determined that proceedings in criminal cases of high treason are special because of their seriousness and importance for state security and the interests of the country. Investigations in such proceedings are usually carried out with increased attention to detail and with an increased level of caution and confidentiality.
It is noted that during the investigation of treason, such investigative actions as a search, inspection of the scene and interrogation are most often carried out. Various tactical techniques of these investigative actions are analyzed.
It is concluded that conducting investigative (search) actions requires careful preparation, determination of the most probable line of behavior of the participants of investigative (search) actions and the choice of the most optimal tactics for conducting investigative (search) actions. The investigator must use these tactics to collect and preserve proper and admissible evidence in the proceedings, which will later be used in court.