State control over the compliance of the labor low and requirements of the labor protection, and its principles




administrative and legal mechanism, control, labor protection, risks, inspections, principles


The paper is dedicated to issues on the control over the compliance of the Labor Low and requirements of the labor protection, and its principles. There is stressed, the administrative and legal mechanism of the control over the compliance of the Labor Low and requirements of the labor protection is a part of the governmental mechanism of the state and local communities (other levels of the local self-government). The last one provides the development and implementation the policy in the field of the control over the compliance of the Labor Low and requirements of the labor protection, formulation of principles of the control implementation, and creation of the legal basis of the control implementation. However, the governmental mechanism of the state and local communities includes activities of the system of state authorities and other entities which implement function of the control over the compliance of the Labor Low and requirements of the labor protection, and usage of organization and technical means of implementation of control activities. There is suggested to understand the administrative and legal mechanism of the control as activities of specially authorized state bodies, local self-government authorities and its officials, non-governmental organization and association of citizens, specifical enterprises and institutions. These activities are aimed at prevention and termination of violations by employers of labor protection; it is implemented in the way of carrying out inspections, examinations, and other control measures, and issuance of binding orders to eliminate violations and bring the guilty to justice. In the point of view of risk-oriented approaches to administrative and legal control over the compliance of the Labor Low and requirements of the labor protection, these activities include purposeful impact of specifical authorities at the object of management with the use of special means and methods for prevention of accidents, incidents, dangerous events, and causing harm to the health of employees during or after work, or during related processes, minimization of risks and its negative consequences, and optimization of working activities.



How to Cite

Melnyk-Lymonchenko О. (2023). State control over the compliance of the labor low and requirements of the labor protection, and its principles. Irpin Legal Chronicles, (3(12), 327–334.