Legal regulation of the use of personal data
personal data, information, legal regulation, codification, public administrationAbstract
The article is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of personal data use. The author emphasizes that in today's informatized world, personal data of individuals have become particularly important as a self-sufficient social value and an object of legal regulation. The author emphasizes that the national legal system has formed important prerequisites for legal regulation of social relations related to personal data protection. The legal regulation of personal data is characterized by its complexity, covering the elements inherent in the subject matter of legal regulation in the field of constitutional, civil and administrative law. Comprehensive regulation of social relations in the field of personal data involves the application of a number of legislative and regulatory acts that define the rights and obligations of the subjects of relations in this area. In Ukraine, there are legislative acts relating to the protection of personal data and regulating their circulation, including the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", the Law of Ukraine "On Information", the Law of Ukraine "On State Registration of Civil Status Acts", the Law of Ukraine "On Public Electronic Registers", etc. In addition, there are various legal acts that define the rules for processing personal data in certain areas, such as medical, social, financial, etc. Thus, at the current stage of development of public relations in the field of personal data of citizens, there is a need to codify the regulatory material and form a separate "Information Code of Ukraine", which should include the institute of personal data of citizens. In the national context of development of the personal data protection system, the leading role should also be played by the legal acts aimed at meeting the public legal requirements for the creation of a personal data protection system and its databases in various information areas and "environments".